TOPIC  - Aesthetic Value

Aesthetic Values
Beauty is a quality that gives pleasure to the sense. It creates a positive emotional
reaction in the viewer. Most psychologists believe beauty and aesthetic are essential
to human life.
The principles of aesthetic constitute an important part of the Aesthetic Values
required in fashion design, which are also the determinants of the effect of any
designs. Aesthetic value and aesthetic judgment both play important roles in the
success of any designs. These two aspects help to judge any designs objectively.
They are usually determinants that help evaluate the viability of any design work.
Designers may not be consciously aware of these principles while they are working

Fashion Design Element

(C) Fashion Design Elements The main elements of fashion design are Line, Shape, Texture, Pattern and Colour Awareness on these elements will help to evaluate whether a design is goo create fashion illusions and spot trends and changes in the fa understanding how these elements can be executed and manipulated is essential to good designing. 

  Line and Direction 

3.2.2 Line and Direction A line is an elongated mark, the connection between two points or the ef the edge of an object where there is no actual line on the object itself. A line leads the eyes to view in the direction the line is going and divides the area through which it passes, thus providing a breaking point in space. 

The term line refers to the direction of visual interest in a garment created by construction details such as seams, fastenings, patterns, tucks, contrast stitching and trims.  It is the most basic element of design because it divides areas into shapes and spaces. A line can be hard or soft, either flexible or rigid. It can move in various directions, leading the viewer to look across, look up, and look down or to sweep around the body. Moreover, a line can also create the illusion effect of narrowness or of fullness in the wearer. Balancing the effects of lines is one of the important tasks that a designer needs to tackle in design. 

(A) Straight Lines Straight lines are divided into three types: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines. (i) Vertical Lines 

Vertical lines create a sense of lengthiness and elegance as they lead the eyes to view the body in an up-and-down motion. They create an illusion of a longer and slimmer body and a feeling of strength, dignity and formality. The use of vertical lines to create a slimming and lengthening visual effect. 

 Principles of Fashion Design The primary purpose of wearing clothes is for protection, e.g. to keep warm, modesty. Nowadays, people wear different clothes for different occasions and identities. They also choose clothes by following their aesthetic sense and the fashion trend. According to Oxford English Dictionary (2009), one of the definition of “Fashion” is “popular styles of clothes, hair etc. at a particular time and place”. Essentially, it means a style that is up-to-date, it influences what people wear and how they look. Changes that take place in the fashion industry is followed by people everywhere on all levels of society. Fashion carries prominent social significance and impact on human behavior.

Types of Lines
  • Vertical lines: are straight up and down and perpendicular to horizontal lines.
  • Horizontal lines: are straight up and down and perpendicular to vertical lines.
  • Diagonal lines: are lines that straight in any direction except vertical or horizontal.

(B) Visual Effect of Structural Lines

 Different arrangements of structural lines within a garment can make the wearer appear fatter or thinner, taller or shorter. Optical illusions may thus be intentionally created by designers who know how and where to place structural lines. The width of lines and the amount of space between lines affect the illusion created. Widely-spaced vertical stripes may give the impression of an added width, with the eyes moving sideways across the lines. Alternatively, with widely-spaced horizontal stripes, the eyes move up and down instead of sideways. These examples are indicated in the following illustration

What do straight lines represent in design?
The lines delineate sections of the landscape, which recede into space. They also imply continuation of the landscape beyond the picture plane to the left and right. Vertical lines often communicate a sense of height because they are perpendicular to the earth, extending upwards toward the sky.
Why is line important in design?We use lines to organize, connect, and separate information and design elements. You can use lines to convey movement and create texture. Lines provide emphasis and define shape. They can be used to convey mood and emotion 

What are the three types of lines?There are four types of lines: horizontal line, vertical line, perpendicular, and parallel lines. They are defined based on their orientation, and the angles if any, formed between them.
