Q. 1-  Is a fashion designer a good job?
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Is fashion design a good career? Fashion Design is amongst the highest-paying industries, offers lucrative job opportunities and is also a creatively fulfilling and financially rewarding career!

क्या फैशन डिजाइनर एक अच्छा काम है? छवि परिणाम क्या फैशन डिजाइनिंग एक अच्छा करियर है? फैशन डिजाइन सबसे अधिक भुगतान करने वाले उद्योगों में से एक है, आकर्षक नौकरी के अवसर प्रदान करता है और यह रचनात्मक रूप से पूरा करने वाला और आर्थिक रूप से पुरस्कृत करियर भी है!

Q. 2 What is fashion design for?
Fashion design is the art of creating clothing and accessories. As an academic field of study, fashion design pulls from many disciplines, including history, business, illustration, and tec

Art and Design By Miraaz1 second ago
फैशन डिजाइन किसके लिए है? फैशन डिजाइन कपड़े और एक्सेसरीज बनाने की कला है। अध्ययन के एक अकादमिक क्षेत्र के रूप में, फैशन डिजाइन इतिहास, व्यवसाय, चित्रण और टेक सहित कई विषयों से आकर्षित होता है
Q,3 - What is basic fashion design?
The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture. 1.2 Shape or Silhouette. A silhouette can be described as the outline of the entire garment. This is the most obvious visual element of the garmenthnology. As an art practice, fashion design is intertwined with culture
Becoming a fashion designer is not easy as it takes many years to complete the course and then a few years in the industry to find your feet. But it's not very difficult either. All you need is to choose and join a fashion design course and continue with it with determination
Q. 5 How do I get started in fashion?
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Careers in the Fashion Industry: How to Get Started

FIRST step 1- READ A BOOK book is best teacher in this world start ur study now
5 basic to advance label
catch ur dream come true
step 2 - start ur online. study
step 3 - Keep track of skills gained. ...
step 4 - Identify your dream fashion career. ...
step 5 - Don't be afraid to ask. ...
Keep moving. ...
Take initiative.
